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More on Changes at Ginn; Regan Smith to Drive in Place of Marlin or Nemechek UPDATE 2: Ginn Racing laid off an unspecified number of employees as part of its re-evaluation process and has "hibernated" its Busch Series team as the company attempts to shore up its direction, Ginn Racing Chief Executive Officer Jay Frye said Sunday at Chicagoland Speedway. Frye acknowledged there were recent layoffs at the company and said the Busch team would not enter any events in the near future. He also hinted that part of the evaluation process could include getting rookie Regan Smith some more seat time in a Nextel Cup car this season, which would mean bumping either Sterling Marlin or Joe Nemechek from their current full-time rides. Frye said the team wants to start getting ready for next year and look to the future - which may or may not include a cutback from three to two Cup teams. He said selling off the owner points for one of the teams has not been discussed. Smith will drive a Cup car full-time in either the #13 or #14 next season, meaning either Nemechek or Marlin - both of whom have contracts that expire after this year - will not return. If the organization cuts back to two teams, neither would return. Frye indicated the evaluation process could result in a change sooner than later - possibly as soon as the next Cup race at Indianapolis. If Smith were to take over for either Nemechek or the 50-year-old Marlin, he would have to do so on a part-time basis, given that he still has commitments to split the #01 car with Martin this season. (SceneDaily.com), see earlier information on my #14 team page.(7-16-2007) UPDATE: Marty Snider reported on Sirius' The Morning Drive that he had talked to #13-Joe Nemechek Tuesday morning and additional information on the situation at Ginn Racing should be announce later today. David Poole reports that his source says #13-Joe Nemechek and #14-Sterling Marlin will not run at Indy. (7-17-2007) UPDATE 2: Regan Smith will replace Sterling Marlin in the #14 Chevy at Ginn Racing, starting with the Allstate 400 at Indianapolis, sources confirmed Tuesday. And Joe Nemechek could be out of a ride in the #13 Chevy for Bobby Ginn's team due to a lack of sponsorship. The team doesn't plan to run the car at Indianapolis unless a sponsor is found. Because the Allstate 400 is one of the biggest Nextel Cup events of the season, it's possible to get a one-off sponsor deal just for that race. If that happens, Ginn officials would race Nemechek in the #13. Marlin and Nemechek still are under contract at Ginn, but both drivers have been told they are free to look for opportunities elsewhere.(ESPN.com)(7-17-2007)