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Budweiser to Evernham? UPDATE: hearing that Budweiser could sponsor one of the Evernham Motorsports teams in 2008, leaving DEI and Dale Earnhardt Jr. it could be the sponsor for Kasey Kahne if Dodge lets him out of their sponsor deal of the #9 and if Bud feels Kahne meets their demographics, or even #19-Elliott Sadler team. Supposedly DEI could still be in play for the Bud sponsor, but looks like Bud will not follow Dale Earnhardt Jr. to Hendrick Motorsports and that Pepsi/Mountain Dew will sponsor Dale Jr. in 2008.(7-10-2007)
UPDATE: Budweiser officials are shopping around for their best sponsorship option in NASCAR, a clear indication that the beer company will not sponsor Dale Earnhardt Jr. at Hendrick Motorsports next season, sources confirmed Tuesday. It's expected that PepsiCo Inc., possibly with the Mountain Dew brand or a combination of Pepsi products, will sponsor Earnhardt next season in the #5 Chevy [or possibly the #8] for Hendrick. And Anheuser-Busch is negotiating with Evernham Motorsports to possibly move the Bud sponsorship to Kasey Kahne's #9 Dodge next season. Budweiser officials also have contacted officials at Lowe's Motor Speedway about the possibility of holding a news conference at the Lowe's Speedway Club next week if a new team sponsorship agreement is reached. An Evernham Motorsports official said Tuesday that no agreement has been reached with Budweiser and that the Evernham marketing department was talking to several other companies about potential sponsorships for 2008. Team owner Ray Evernham has an agreement with Dodge, through the Dodge Dealers, to sponsor both Kahne's car and the #19 Dodge of Elliott Sadler through 2010. The Dodge dealers would have to sign off on any deal to allow Budweiser to move to Kahne's car. One source close to the negotiations told ESPN.com that it's still possible Budweiser could stay at Dale Earnhardt Inc., depending on whom DEI signs to replace Earnhardt. Budweiser officials now have targeted four other drivers they would consider sponsoring next season, including Kahne. The other three drivers are not known.(more at ESPN.com)(7-11-2007)