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Now with all that out of the way.....Let's make some laps!
McGard Street Stock Feature Finish: 1. (4) RUSSELL KNUTSEN #93 2. (16) Andy Jankowiak #73 3. (10) Jim Bryant #49 4. (14) Cory Gallagher #24 5. (13) Tom Agen #3 6. (15) Jeff Madill #6 7. (1) Ed Nowak #96 8. (6) Rick Widmer #40 (subbing for Gary Light) 9. (25) Bobby Hanel, Jr. #33 10. (3) Joe Light #44 11. (9) Scott Mutka #23 12. (8) Mike Maggiore #28 13. (7) Rob Bulger #32 14. (5) Gary Bartella #99 15. (20) Rick Ortwein #58 16. (18) Gary Denea #33D 17. (2) Steve Cochran #70 18. (23) Bob Blaszak #56 19. (28) Kaz Tarasek #18 20. (29) Jeff Guidotti #20 21. (11) John Julicher, Jr. #9 22. (12) Tim Garlock #88 23. (21) Debbie Jurek #65 24. (17) Paul Tessier #12 25. (22) Matt Jurek #57 26. (24) Bob Blaszak, Jr. #53 27. (27) Tim Neis #74 28. (26) Jim Stein #21 29. (19) Tom DeVille #61
Lap Leaders: Lap 1 Nowak, Laps 2-20 Knutsen
Ray Laks Resale Super Stock Feature Finish: 1. (2) DAVE JOHNSON #52 2. (3) Frank Batista, Jr. #37 3. (7) George Roesch #61 4. (9) Wayne Bernhard #23 5. (6) Jay Mudra #16 6. (4) James Kron, III #31 7. (1) Jason Gwin #30 8. (10) J.W. Flagler #27 9. (8) Jay Canonico #13 10. (5) Marty Hughes #09
Lap Leader: Laps 1-20 Johnson
Lorigo Insurance Group SST Sportsman Feature Finish: 1. (10) ERICK RUDOLPH #12 2. (1) Tom MacLeod #32 3. (9) Nick Cappelli #86 4. (6) Russ Gian #9 5. (3) Ed Weber #4 6. (8) Billy Burd #20 7. (19) Kirk Rutherford #11 8. (11) Billy Putney #22 (subbing for Frank Booker, Jr.) 9. (12) Justin Shepker #60 10. (13) Jeff Evans #91 11. (15) Neal Dietz, Jr. #84 12. (4) Sherri Hogan #74 13. (7) Craig Dolphin #98 14. (5) Eddie Murray #37 15. (14) Dave Tedesco #44 16. (17) Eric Doktor #16 17. (2) Mike Stevenson #1 18. (16) Jeff Ruddy #9R 19. (18) Mike Bliss #72
Lap Leaders: Laps 1-18 MacLeod; Laps 19-20 Rudolph
Heat Winners: MacLeod, Cappelli
Bobcat of Buffalo Feature Finish: 1. (5) TODD HODDICK #49 2. (1) Jeff Brown, Jr. #3 3. (3) Scott Skora #56 4. (2) Ron Nurmi #2 5. (6) Matt Alix #24 6. (12) Cory Lischer #3L 7. (9) Phil Hayne #52 8. (7) Frank Green #52G 9. (4) Bobby Weber #11 10. (8) Mark Pennell #18 11. (10) Brian Porebski #53 12. (11) Jeff Merritt #61 DNS: Tommy Reese #54
Lap Leaders: Laps 1-19 Brown Jr.; Laps 20-25 Hoddick
Heat Winners: Hoddick, Weber
ROC Modified 75 Feature Finish: 1. (17) MATT HIRSCHMAN #60 2. (12) Jan Leaty #6 3. (19) Tom McGrath #12 4. (21) Erick Rudolph #45 5. (10) Sege Fidanza #77 6. (5) Chuck Hossfeld #22x 7. (9) Buck Catalano #4 8. (4) Danny Knoll, Jr. #17 9. (1) Bill Hebing #66 10. (8) Eric Beers #99 11. (16) Phil Slater #24 12. (3) Bobby Holmes #22 13. (15) Pete Brittain #66B 14. (20) Rick Kluth #44 15. (2) Lee Sherwood #95 16. (14) Mark Tychoniewicz #01 17. (11) John Markovic #95M 18. (23) Dan Chimera #44x 19. (24) Sean ONeill #7 20. (7) Billy Putney #88 21. (22) Doug Reaume #14 22. (13) Todd Smith #52 23. (6) Daren Scherer #3 24. (25) Brett Scherrer #8 25. (18) Larry Jackson #84 26. (26) Matt Clemens #9x
Lap Leaders: Laps 1-7? Hebing; Laps 8?-36 Holmes; Laps 37-75 Hirschman
Heat Winners: Hebing, Leaty, Fidanza
Heat 1: Bill Hebing, Daren Scherer, Buck Catalano, Bobby Holmes, Todd Smith, Phil Slater, Dan Chimera, Tom McGrath and Matt Clemens.
Heat 2: Jan Leaty, Eric Beers, John Markovic, Chuck Hossfeld, Mark Tychoniewicz, Matt Hirschman, Sean O'Neill and Brett Scherrer.
Heat 3: Sege Fidanza, Danny Knoll Jr., Bill Putney, Lee Sherwood, Pete Brittain, Larry Jackson, Rick Kluth, Doug Reaume and Erick Rudolph.
Hard Charger: Erick Rudolph - gained 17 positions/21st to 4th Hard Luck: Daren Scherer Gater Bonus: Sean ONeill Dart Heads: Mark Tychoniewicz