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Sad News: Wanda Phillips, 58, was killed late Saturday night in an accident at Lonesome Pine Raceway [Coeburn, VA] while making a move for the lead in the Ladies Pure 4 division race. The family learned Sunday that Phillips suffered a fatal heart attack in the accident. It was the first racing fatality at LPR since the track opened in 1972. A Coeburn native, Phillips was the most prolific winner in the women's divisions at LPR since the Ladies divisions began in the late 1980s. She was a past champion and was attempting to become the first repeat winner of the season in the division when the accident took her life. Wanda Phillips is survived by sons Freddie Phillips, Clynus Phillips, Brett Phillips, as well as a sister, Twyla Barton, and grandson Justin Phillips. Visitation for Phillips will be held this evening at Sturgill Funeral Home in Coeburn from 5 to 9pm. The funeral will be held in victory lane at LPR Tuesday at 11am, followed by burial at her family cemetery. Drivers are encouraged to attend with their cars and help Phillips complete the lap she never finished in the funeral procession out of the track. In lieu of flowers the family asks that a donation be made to the Victory Junction Gang on Phillips' behalf.(Times News)(7-2-2007)