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NASCAR Could Suspend Additional Crew Members for Future Violations: The garage still is buzzing about the severity of the penalties handed to the Hendrick Motorsports teams of #24-Jeff Gordon and #48-Jimmie Johnson after their cars failed initial inspection last weekend because the front right fenders were bent beyond the wheel well. Gordon particularly was outspoken, saying he was disappointed in NASCAR's decision to suspend crew chiefs Steve Letarte and Chad Knaus for six races and fine each $100,000, as well as dock him and Johnson 100 championship points. "But I will say we're crystal clear going forward," Gordon said. "We're clear now that there is no gray area." It is clear now. If it's not, NASCAR is prepared to expand the suspension to car chiefs and engineers -- whatever it takes to get the message across. "It could grow into multiple suspensions," [Nextel Cup series director John] Darby said as he sat outside the hauler otherwise known as the NASCAR principal's office. Teams have understood for years that messing with the gray area in engines will not be tolerated. Now they're discovering that the body is off limits as well.(ESPN.com)(6-30-2007)