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Eury Sr. leaving DEI...to JR Motorsports? UPDATE confirmed: Claire B. Lang reported on XM Radio Tuesday that Tony Eury Sr. [former #8 and #15 crew chief] has resigned from Dale Earnhardt Inc.'s research and development team and will be named Director of Competition at JR Motorsports today.(XM Radio) AND David Poole reported on Sirius' Morning Drive that Tony Eury Sr is expected to announce this afternoon that he is leaving DEI to become the team director at #88-JR Motorsports. Early in June, Eury reportedly accepted a Research and Development position with DEI after stepping down as Paul Menard's Nextel Cup crew chief.(6-27-2007) UPDATE: Dale Earnhardt Jr. has turned to a familiar face and proven winner to help lead the competition efforts of his race team, announcing today that his uncle and longtime NASCAR crew chief, Tony Eury Sr., has been named Director of Competition at JR Motorsports. Commonly referred to as Pops around the NASCAR garage, Eury Sr. will oversee competition and technical support for all of JR Motorsports, which includes a full-time Busch Series program, a USAR Hooters Pro Cup Series entry, and three late model teams. His new role at JRM will begin immediately, as he will work closely with crew chief Wes Ward, motorsports director Steve Crisp, and driver Shane Huffman in preparation for Saturdays Camping World 200 Busch Series race at New Hampshire International Speedway. Tony Sr. brings wins, championships, and an immeasurable amount of knowledge to JR Motorsports, Earnhardt Jr. said. He also brings a sense of trust that you only have in family. This company needs his expertise, and Im glad he sees the potential at JR Motorsports to want to work here. I hope I can provide him the same amount of success here that he has achieved over the years, and I hope he enjoys working here as much as I know he enjoyed working at DEI (Dale Earnhardt Inc.).(JR Motorsports PR)(6-27-2007)