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Hendrick wants to buy the #8 from DEI UPDATE: Car owner Rick Hendrick has let it be known to officials at Dale Earnhardt Inc. that he'd like to purchase the #8 for Dale Earnhardt Jr. when he begins driving for his organization in 2008. "I'm not sure what their position is or what they want for it," Hendrick said Saturday between practices at Infineon Raceway. Earnhardt said last week he would like to stay in the #8 if a deal can be reached with DEI owner Teresa Earnhardt, who has the rights to the number [NASCAR owns the number and leases them to a team to use and market] and his long-time sponsor, Budweiser. Max Siegel, the president of global operations at DEI, said he will not act until there is a formal proposal. Hendrick doesn't expect any sort of announcement for at least a few weeks. "Honestly, we're leaving everything open," he said. "It's just so early. If you say you're going to do something and you really think you are, six weeks from now we might change our mind again. We're working through our sponsors and everything."(ESPN.com)(6-24-2007) UPDATE: Hendrick Motorsports wants to buy the #8 so that Dale Earnhardt Jr. can race it next season. But it's not for sale, according to a report in the Charlotte Observer. The story quoted NASCAR spokesman Ramsey Poston, who said NASCAR owns and issues the numbers and that teams can't sell them. He said a team can allow another to use the number for a year as long as NASCAR approves. The report said Dale Earnhardt Inc., which uses the number, was aware of NASCAR's policy on selling numbers. Hendrick Motorsports officials weren't available for comment.(Dallas Morning News)(6-26-2007)