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BARRE, VT Stock car Rookie of the Year battles are beginning to heat up in the NAPA Tiger Sportsman and Allen Lumber Street Stock divisions at Barres Thunder Road. After four events in 2007, a pair of 19 year-old racers lead in their respective divisions. In one of the largest NAPA Sportsman rookie classes in recent memory, Craftsburys Joel Hodgdon leads ten other freshman racers that earned points this year. Hodgdon narrowly edged out veteran Craig Bushey of Cambridge to finish an impressive third at the Ferguson Waterworks event one week ago, and leads Hyde Park driver Kyle Tatro in the rookie standings by seven points, 38-31. Barres Shawn Sicard, last years Street Stock Rookie of the Year, sits third at 29 points. Tim Potter of Plainfield (27 points) and Barres Lance Allen (26 points) complete the top five. Like Sicard, Hodgdon is a former Street Stock Rookie of the Year, and was the 2004 recipient of the Dr. G.R. Nielsen Award for outstanding performance by a first-year driver. Ironically, Hodgdon is currently tied for 12th in overall NAPA Sportsman standings with Bushey. Hinesburgs Bobby Therrien is a feature winner in the Allen Lumber Street Stock division this season, and leads Barres Mike Ziter, 48-37, in Street Stock rookie standings. Ziter matched Hodgdons Sportsman finish at the Ferguson Waterworks race, finishing third in the Street Stock event last week. Josh LaCourse of Barre ranks third at 32 points, just one marker ahead of defending Power Shift Junkyard Warrior champion Maynard Bartlett, Jr. of Hardwick. Markus Farnham of Randolph Center completes the top five with 29 points. Therrien, the winner at the Mekkelsen RV Memorial Day event, also ranks third in overall Allen Lumber Street Stock point standings. On the strength of three top-10 finishes in three championship events for the ACT Late Model division, Northfields Chip Grenier has a commanding lead in the rookie standings in his division, and also ranks sixth overall. The Thunder Road rookie battles continue at the WDEV Sportsman 100 on Thursday (June 21), with a special early start time of 6:00pm. General admission for is only $9 for adults, $3 for children, and just $18 for a family of four. For more information, call (802) 244-6963 or visit www.thunderroadspeedbowl.com. -30- Contact: Justin St. Louis Phone: (802) 244-6963 Email: media@acttour.com Fax: (802) 244-1616