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Roush not interested in Busch: His ride gone for next season and then his agent, #5-Kyle Busch faces more changes. He'll search for a new ride and could be barred from some Hendrick Motorsports team meetings [as Brian Vickers was in 2006] even as he tries to make the title chase. Although Dale Earnhardt Jr. replaces him next year, Busch wouldn't mope about his situation Friday at Michigan International Speedway. "I'm interested in talking to ... whoever's got an open seat," Busch said before qualifying third for Sunday's race. "Let's sit down. Let's have dinner." Many owners are expected to answer, but not Jack Roush, for whom Busch drove before moving to Hendrick in 2003. "I am not interested in Kyle Busch," Roush said. "I've been there and I've done that."(Roanoke Times)(6-16-2007)
Agent kept Kyle Busch in dark during contract extension talks: #5-Kyle Busch says his previous agent hampered negotiations to keep him at Hendrick Motorsports. The 22-year-old driver said on Friday that Alan Miller kept him in the dark about many things during talks to sign an extension beyond next season and that he was surprised initially to learn Dale Earnhardt Jr. had been signed to replace him. Among the things was the number of other organizations expressing an interest in Busch, which team owner Rick Hendrick said had a negative impact on discussions. "My previous representation didn't inform me that he was getting calls," Busch said before practice at Michigan International Speedway. "Then I guess that was opened up to Hendrick Motorsports. They sort of got upset. Miller, who was at MIS representing other clients, was disappointed in Busch's comments. "I've been doing this for a long, long time," said Miller, who has represented HMS drivers Jimmie Johnson and Casey Mears, to name a few. "My reputation is as good as anybody's. I'm not going to dignify what Kyle said with a response. I'm sorry Kyle chose to say something like that," Miller said. Busch was given a release from the final year of his contract next season at HMS on Monday. He was joined at MIS by his new agent, Bruce Kempton. Kempton said he's had calls from just about every organization in the Nextel Cup garage. Officials at DEI, Ginn Racing, Richard Childress Racing and Evernham Motorsports have expressed an open interest. EMS owner Ray Evernham told Busch personally after the two competed in a dirt track event on Thursday night that he was prepared to expand his organization to four teams if they could reach an agreement. Busch said he would like to stay in a Chevy but added that he's not married to the manufacturer.(ESPN.com)(6-16-2007)