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that would be sweet. i talked to james, and just joking around i said that i wanted to call dave hill, and ask for the ride. he just laughed, but didnt say anything that he would be in the car. i heard that woody might be in that car, and that they would have doug coby in it for NHIS. also, zach sylvester would be a good choice. but, if civali was to go to the 79, that would probably put woody in the seat of the 28. heard that coors light is gonna stay with the 79, which is good news for them
Zack Sylvester Has won Squat. Doug Coby isn't a Big Time driver. The Hills need a Big Time Driver in their Big Time Ride. Remember the almost won the tour title a few years ago With Eddie Jr driving. TC or JWC are the only choice. If either of them are willing to make a move
Just for arguements sake amongst all this, (Besides TC) "Young Gun Mania" canidates for the #79 ride, just my opinion but If I were an owner in search of a driver I would be dialing Jerry Marquis #.
Proven winner, past champion, great with fans and sponsors, has the respect of most, if not all of the officials and competitors what more could you ask for?
And in my opinion also I don't think the Brady's would hold him back from taking a ride the caliber of the #79 if it was offered to him.
i dont think a driver already on the tour will hop in that car. civali? no way. tc? hes basically in a northeast race car shop car, and with brad as his crew cheif he isnt gonna leave. marquis? would be a good fit, but i dont think he wants to travel all around will the hills do. i would look at either pitkat, and if you want experiance put tommy cravenho in. i'd like to see steve park or jeff fuller in it.