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Stremme OK after getting out of car at Dover: David Stremme had to reluctantly climb out of the #40 Coors Light Dodge a little more than 125 laps short of the finish line Monday after realizing he was too sick to continue racing in the Autism Speaks 400. The 29-year-old driver was immediately taken to the Dover International Speedway infield care center where he was diagnosed with the flu. He received oxygen and intravenous fluids before being released. Ginn Racing driver Regan Smith stepped in to help the #40 Chip Ganassi Racing with Felix Sabates (CGRFS) team finish the day in 36th place. The #40 CGRFS Dodge lined up in 35th place to take the green. Battling flu-like conditions, Stremme did all he could to keep the car on the track in the early running of the 400-lap competition. In addition to feeling sick, the #40 Dodge was keeping him busy as it was severely loose on restarts and seemed to tighten up on long runs. Stremme threw in the towel as the fourth yellow flag of the race waved on lap 271. His crew members helped him out of the Coors Light Dodge. Then, Smith quickly climbed in to help the team finish the race.(CGRFS PR)(6-5-2007)