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For Immediate Release ACT-052507-1
CHARLOTTE, NC Former Auto Racing Promoter of the Year Tom Curley is scheduled to appear on the popular SPEED TV talk show Wind Tunnel with Dave Despain Sunday, June 3. Curley is the manager and promoter of Barre, VTs Thunder Road International Speedbowl, a highly successful short track stock car oval nestled in the Green Mountains, and the President of the American-Canadian Tour (ACT) sanctioning body with touring series in the northeastern United States and Canada. Wind Tunnel is the best racing show on television, bar none, said Curley. I have never heard anyone say that they did not enjoy the balanced and unbiased motorsports journalism that Dave Despain brings to his show. It is a real honor to be asked to chat him about Thunder Road and racing in general. I worked with Dave about 20 years ago, and I look forward to being his guest on June 3. Known for his fiery personality, Curley was named the Racing Promotion Monthly (RPM) Auto Racing Promoter of the Year, the short track promotion industrys highest honor, for his efforts with Thunder Road in 2004. He is widely credited with the creation of many short track racing innovations, including the spec engine concept of the 2000s and the regional touring series boom of the 1970s and 1980s. Dave Despain has been a popular and, not unlike Curley, sometimes controversial television and print auto racing journalist for nearly three decades. Wind Tunnel covers every facet of the motorsports spectrum, from stock cars to open wheel, from motorcycles to off-road rally racing. Curley will appear on Wind Tunnel with Dave Despain on SPEED, Sunday June 3, at 9:00pm. For more information on Thunder Road and ACT, visit www.thunderroadspeedbowl.com or www.acttour.com, or call (802) 244-6963. -30- Contact: Justin St. Louis Phone: (802) 244-6963 Email: media@acttour.com Fax: (802) 244-1616