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Newman looking for a new ride? It might be difficult to see a ride better than with Roger Penske, one of the most famous names in racing. But #12-Ryan Newmans name is suddenly out in the rumor mill. Its been a while since Newman, a Purdue grad, was making headlines.(Winston Salem Journal), of NOTE: Newman is supposedly signed thru 2009, and supposedly has talked to a few teams about a ride in 2008, including Joe Gibbs Racing.(5-17-2007)
Newman to Gibbs? doubtful; Yeley controls his future: #12-Ryan Newmans name has surfaced prominently in early Silly Season rumors, most notably in connection with a possible move to Joe Gibbs Racing. But Penske Racing officials have said Newman is under contract through the end of the 2008 season, and the driver said Saturday that neither he nor the team are distracted by the Silly Season rumors. A lot of names are in the hat right now, said Newman, who will make his 200th NASCAR Nextel Cup start on Sunday. I guess its a good thing being in the hat, being considered. At least someone thinks you have talent, but Im happy where Im at and Im happy doing what Im doing. Well just play it like that. It doesnt distract me. I dont think it distracts the team. Its all about confidence whether its confidence qualifying the race car and putting it on the edge or having confidence in me. That doesnt change. At Joe Gibbs Racing, #18-J.J. Yeley was told last week by J.D. Gibbs that he controls his own destiny, team officials said. Yeley, who is in the final year of his contract as driver of the #18 JGR Chevrolet, needs to improve his results if he wants to keep that ride next season, according to a JGR spokesman. But if he does that, hell be back.(SPEEDtv.com)(5-27-2007)