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Illegal wing brackets on #8 car could mean penalty UPDATE: During pre-race inspection Saturday at Darlington Raceway, the #8 Budweiser Chevy of Dale Earnhardt Jr. was found to have illegal brackets used to mount the rear wing on the Nextel Cup Series' new Car of Tomorrow, an infraction series director John Darby said could result in the first COT penalty. Officials forced the team to remove the brackets, then reattach the wing with a proper set. "We have specific blueprints for all the parts on the car," Darby said. "[Series officials] are a little sensitive to those parameters." Asked if doctoring the rear wing on the COT is a substantial no-no, Darby responded, "Yes." The infraction will not affect Dale Earnhardt Jr.'s starting position for the rain-delayed Dodge Avenger 500, Darby said. Darby said he plans to speak with #8 crew chief Tony Eury Jr. further next week.(ESPN.com)(5-13-2007)UPDATE: Tony Eury Jr. fully expects a penalty from NASCAR this week and #ale Earnhardt Jr. is prepared to help his crew chief pay it. NASCAR confiscated the rear wing mounts from Earnhardt Jr.'s car on Saturday before the Nextel Cup race at Darlington Raceway was postponed until Sunday due to rain. Eury called it an "interpretation." "It was a bad deal," he said. "It was a part that got put on there that shouldn't have. We've done a lot of offseason testing for NASCAR. There's been three different styles of brackets on there and it just happened to be one of those old-style brackets." Eury said the brackets were the same ones that weren't discovered during pre- or post-qualifying inspections. "It fit all of their templates," he said. "It just had a problem when you put [the angle] to where you should have." Eury said he tried to explain how to fix the problem to series director John Darby. "I was definitely not trying to get away with nothing, so you can take it for what it is," he said. "There's nothing I can do about it. Whatever they hand down, it certainly wasn't on purpose."(ESPN.com)(5-14-2007)