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The Race of Champions Modified series is set to kick off their 2007 season this weekend at Oswego Speedway (NY). The race is scheduled for a non-conflicting weekend with the NASCAR Whelen Modified Tour, so that could boost the entry list for the event. RoC favorite son Matt Hirschman, a former champion of the series, is one of the drivers pumped up about this weekends race at Oswego.
I like the series and I like the track, said Hirschman, who currently sits second in the NASCAR Whelen Modified Tour standings. Oswego is my favorite track and any time that I get to race there is a bonus. When the schedules all come out at the beginning of the season, I always look at them all and hope to get to run a few races at Oswego.
Hirschmans love for the track is deep rooted and could even be in his genes. His father, five-time NASCAR Modified Tour champion Tony Hirschman, has had a successful record at the track.
I like racing there, said Matt Hirschman. I grew up going there as a kid. I remember the Modified and Supermodified doubleheaders. I remember when my Dad won a bunch of races there in the late 80s and early 90s. Then when I got an opportunity to race there myself, I took to the place really quickly.
There is one thing that could make Hirschman like the track even more though.
Ive never won there, but my last two races there have been second-place finishes. Id really like to win a race there.
The 75-lap RoC Modified race will take place this Sunday, May 13th, at Oswego Speedway.
-- Edited by WhelenModifiedTour at 13:05, 2007-05-11