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No injuries, some arrrests at Talledega: Talladega Superspeedway officials said no injuries were reported from the postrace beer-can barrage. Less than 10 people were detained, but hundreds of cans littered the track. NASCAR vice president Jim Hunter and Talladega Superspeedway president Grant Lynch released statements three hours after the Aaron's 499, which Jeff Gordon won to earn his 77th career victory and pass Dale Earnhardt on the all-time list. "We warned our fans about throwing debris on the racetrack and the consequences of such actions," Lynch said in the statement. "Additional security was brought in for the grandstands. We had a plan in place. I was in the grandstands at the conclusion of the race, and as promised, we enforced our policies and took appropriate action on individuals we were able to accurately identify. We aren't going to let less than one percent of out fans spoil a record-setting weekend," Lynch added in the statement. Hunter's statement echoed Lynch's comments. "It's very unfortunate a few unruly fans can ruin things for a lot of people," Hunter said in the statement. "The track put a lot of effort into preventing this type of behavior. Our fans are passionate, but this type of behavior doesn't represent the majority of our fans."(ESPN.com)(4-30-2007)