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Now with all that out of the way.....Let's make some laps!
Well, it finally feels like racing season here in Eastern Connecticut! The weather is beautiful with a slight breeze and it is up to almost 70 degrees! What a great night for the historic shoreline oval of The Waterford Speedbowl to play host to the TVMRS Touring Division.
Tonight, in this thread, we plan on bringing our normal podium results from all the WSB regular divisions, the SK full finish (if available), as well as the podium results from the TVMRS. So far word from the track is that there are 53, (yup that's right, I said fifty-three) TVMRS entries ready to run heat races. Being that they are only taking 28 cars for the main event, that sends 25 cars home as DNQ's. Hopefully some of our regulars, (like Jeff Pearl to name one) will make the show and prove that our WSB guys are up to the task.
Keep watching this thread for more news from the track...
Whether you go to the track... or stay at home... Keep on Making Laps!
TVMRS qualifying has been completed for the day except for two consolation events.
Heat 1 Winner: Ben Rowe
Heat 2 Winner: Chris Pastreyak
Heat 3 Winner: Jeff Pearl
Heat 4 Winner: Louis Mechalides
26 cars will enter the main event through heat and consolation events, and there are two guaranteed spots won from previous qualifying events that went to Dennis Gada and Frank Ruocco (for a total starting field of 28 cars). Apparently both drivers were lucky to have those guaranteed spots, as Dennis Gada finished last in his heat, and Frank Ruocco was involved in a wreck.
Back soon with more from the track...
-- Edited by bratmaster at 18:01, 2007-04-21
Whether you go to the track... or stay at home... Keep on Making Laps!
The two TVMRS consolation races have run with Mike Holdridge winning the first, and Brian Shumway taking the checker in the second.
The SK's are now on the track for their main event, with 24 cars ready to take the green flag. They ran three Heat events with Dennis Charette, Diego Monahan, and Donny Fowler winning their respective qualifying races.
The tentative schedule for feature events is as follows:
SK Sportsman Late Model TVMRS Mini Stock
We will return with at least the SK podium finishers as soon as the checker drops.
Whether you go to the track... or stay at home... Keep on Making Laps!
The SK feature has ended with the full finish as follows:
1. Diego Monahan 2. Shawn Monahan 3. Rob Janovic 4. Jeffrey Paul 5. Dennis Gada 6. Bert Marvin 7. Jay Miller 8. Donny Fowler 9. Doug Coby 10. Brandon Hansen 11. Tyler Chadwick 12. Dennis Charette 13. Wendell Dailey 14. Wayne Arute 15. Terry O'Brien 16. Mike Gada 17. Frank Ruocco 18. Tom Fox 19. Jeff Pearl 20. Kenny Horton 21. Frank Mucciacciaro 22. Mark Pane 23. Anthony Burr 24. Dave Moulding
The finish is unofficial until WSB track officials deem them so. We will be back with the Sportsman podium finish when it's checker drops.
-- Edited by bratmaster at 21:08, 2007-04-21
Whether you go to the track... or stay at home... Keep on Making Laps!
Just a quick update regarding the TVMRS feature, it's halfway during a caution with Ted Christopher leading, Robbie Summers second and Eddie Dachenhausen third. Past SK modified WSB track champion Robbie Summers had the lead, TC beat him on the restart to get the point position.
Back soon with the finish...
Whether you go to the track... or stay at home... Keep on Making Laps!
So sorry for the delay, but because the winner just so happened to be the car that OWR is working on....Robbie Summers....Victory Lane took precedence over giving me that call.
Making Laps would like to congratulate Robbie, the crew, and their fans and sponsors for a well-deserved win tonight at the Bowl. Seems that Robbie had the lead when the other threat to win, TC, broke.
Todd Patnoad was second. Hopefully we can get more of a finish shortly.
The Mini Stocks are on the track now
Whether you go to the track... or stay at home... Keep on Making Laps!
The Mini Stock feature has capped the evening's festivities with Phil Evans taking down the win.
Again, sorry about the delay and not having more information, but being that the track reporter was on the winning team...and I am so thrilled that they won!
We will be back next week with results from the Waterford Speedbowl. Thanks for joining us!
Whether you go to the track... or stay at home... Keep on Making Laps!