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Sponsor problems at MWR? Elliott to MWR? UPDATE: Rumors are swirling about Toyota driver #55-Michael Waltrip's future and his sponsorship support [NAPA], after failing to make the last six tour races. According to one unconfirmed report, Waltrip is having to return $300,000 to his sponsors for each race he misses. There is also speculation that Bill Elliott may be under consideration for a ride with the three-team operation; Elliott, 50 and only a part-time driver these days, would have six championship provisionals, guaranteeing him a spot in at least six races. However Elliott, despite the multimillion-dollar contracts being waved at him by more than one team, has been less than enthusiastic about becoming too deeply involved in the sport again.(Winston Salem Journal)(4-16-2007)UPDATE: For anyone wondering if Michael Waltrip's crashing a Toyota SUV could end his relationship with Toyota, they should think again, Toyota Racing Development Senior Vice President Lee White said Sunday before the Samsung 500 at Texas Motor Speedway. Waltrip owns three teams and has been the face of Toyota this year in its first year of Nextel Cup racing. "Our position is still that we have agreements with our teams," White said. "We live up to our agreements. Everybody is working hard. Michael is working hard. His organization is working hard, as is all the others." Waltrip said he fell asleep while driving home early in the morning April 7. He suffered cuts to his hands and face in the accident and walked home. The North Carolina Highway Patrol charged him with reckless driving and failing to report an accident.(SceneDaily.com)(4-16-2007)
UPDATE 2: David Newton reports on ESPN2's NASCAR Now that he talked to Elliott's wife who said there was no truth to the rumor that Elliott would drive for Waltrip.(4-18-2007)