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Now with all that out of the way.....Let's make some laps!
The lap times for the SK Fall Final Practice from Friday reflected a few surprises, in the fastest speeds. The #39 car of Chris Jones, piloted by reigning FMS champion Todd Szegedy, was consistently in the top 3 in all the practices held yesterday. While Zach Sylvester consistently paced the field in all the practices in the Frank Ruocco #97 backup machine.
Late Model times showed Tom Fearn, Tom Butler, Ryan Posocco among the fastest, no real surprises there...
The Limited Sportsman feature debut at SMS will be held today, as well as a Dare Feature, and qualifying events for all divisions.
Keep watching this thread for more news regarding the Dodge Weekly Racing Series Divisions running Stafford Motor Speedway's Fall Final Event.
-- Edited by openwheelracer at 09:19, 2004-09-25
Whether you go to the track... or stay at home... Keep on Making Laps!
Sms top three podium finishers in the SK MODS were:
Willie Hardie Jr
Chuck Docherty
John Sanberg
note:original 3rd place finisher Jeff Malave was disqualified for an illegal flywheel
Side notes: FMS driver Todd Szegedy driving the Chris Jones #39 retired with overheating problems ...... Ted Christopher was involved in several incidents and finished outside the top 5.Steve Chowansky was involved in two separate incidents. one with James Civali with Civali ending up on the short end of things.. And another with Lyold Agor which caused a multi car crash.