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Gordon's shop not ready...hires Cal Wells: #7-Robby Gordon said Friday that his new shop in Charlotte, N.C., will not be ready in May as he had hoped. “The weather this winter has just killed us,” said Gordon. “We’re moving dirt and getting up to speed on that, it’s just taking longer than I wanted, to be honest with you, to get the stuff in place.” The Nextel Cup owner/driver did not have a firm completion date, but said the pouring of the foundation for the new home of Robby Gordon Motorsports should be “in the next couple of weeks.” Gordon also has enlisted the help of former NASCAR Nextel Cup team owner Cal Wells III. “Cal’s been coming to work with us on race weekends and observing,” said Gordon Friday at Bristol Motor Speedway. “He’s just trying to help me in any way he can with the experience that he has.” As for the new Fusion Car of Tomorrow, Gordon is enthusiastic. “I’m fine with the new car,” said Gordon, who once again is without a sponsor this weekend. “I think it’s the great equalizer. We just haven’t got our piece figured out yet.”(Ford Racing)(3-25-2007)
UPDATE: from Cal Wells III: "I have known the entire Gordon family for decades. Robby's father drove for me in my early years of off-road racing and Robby has driven for me in off-road and in Indy car. We've had our good times and our challenges, been mad at each other, supported each other, but most of all, we've remained family friends. He and his sisters along with his mom and dad and step-mom, all good friends. As Robby's racing organization continues to develop, it is going through what all small businesses go through, a challenging evolution, Rob reached out for some advice but nothing more. I don't work there, haven't taken a job there, just helping him out a little bit on a couple of deals he is working on, which if successful will really establish his organization as a force in the garage area. Our relationship works best when I offer supportive suggestions but not for compensation or an obligation from him to follow any of them. As for myself, I am actually working on a couple of opportunities which will hopefully keep me in the sport I so dearly love. Time and hard work will tell."(3-27-2007)