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Arizona Police Searching for former NASCAR Owner Scott Glynn: Chandler [Arizon] police still were searching Thursday for a Gilbert businessman and one-time NASCAR team owner who eluded capture as SWAT officers surrounded his home, police said. Scott Glynn, 42, who has owned Lariat Construction, Inc. in Gilbert and a majority of the #58 NASCAR Busch Series team in 2005, was involved in a domestic violence incident Tuesday afternoon at his estranged wife's home, police said. His wife, Diana, ran out of her home around 2:30 p.m. and contacted a nearby officer, police said. She was distraught and asking for help. Police said Glynn also came running out of the home and got into his pickup truck and left the area. Officers soon learned Glynn also has two felony warrants for his arrest, police said. Within 10 minutes, a Chandler police detective spotted Glynn in front of his Gilbert home police said. SWAT officers surrounded his home and believed he was inside alone, but when officers searched the residence, he wasn't there, police said. In 2005, Glynn purchased the #58 Busch Series team from Akins Motorsports and began fielding a Craftsman Truck Series team, with plans to own a Nextel Cup Series team by this year. Glynn is suspected of unlawful imprisonment, burglary, assault, disorderly conduct, criminal damage, and driving with a revoked license. He also has two felony warrants, one from Maricopa County Sheriff's Office on theft on a $72,000 bond and one from North Carolina for assault and fraud.(Arizona Republic)(3-23-2007)