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MWR hires Finley from BDR: Sitting in his motorcoach at Atlanta Motor Speedway on Saturday Michael Waltrip could hear the roar of Nextel Cup cars participating in the first practice. "It's just really tough … to hear those cars roll off pit road and know they were getting ready to win this Atlanta race [Sunday] and me not be a part of it," said Waltrip, who failed to qualify for his third straight Nextel Cup event Friday. "It's sad." But Waltrip wasn't sleeping in on this unusually cool morning. He was meeting with Toyota Racing Development officials to find a way to integrate their people and resources more into his struggling organization. He hopes to have that plan in place this week and present it to restless sponsors such as NAPA -- his own car's sponsor -- that haven't gotten the race-day exposure it paid for. "They gave us credibility and wind tunnel time and technical support," Waltrip said of Toyota. "Now we're stepping back and saying we need some help to implement the assets you're bringing to our team. We don't think we're doing a good job of implementing and taking advantage of all the wonderful technological help [they] can offer us. They're reassessing how that will go forward." Waltrip would like to see a few key engineers move from TRD's Concord, N.C., office to his new shop in Cornelius, NC. Waltrip isn't standing still. He hired Derrick Finley, who had been the crew chief for #36-Jeremy Mayfield at Bill Davis Racing, to serve as project manager and part-time crew chief while the suspended David Hyder sits at home [Jayski Note: Hyder was reported last week to be back at the shop, but cannot go to the track].(in part from: ESPN.com)(3-18-2007)