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Now with all that out of the way.....Let's make some laps!
The police blotter is out from last friday's wild night at Stafford Motor Speedway.
Over 12 penalties were handed out for infractions among 10 drivers, throughout all the divisions. As posted, all these penalties were assessed and handed out during the night's action on September 10th, 2004. Some drivers seem to be strangely missing from this list, other infractions seem extremely harsh. For example; One of the cleanest local area SK drivers was handed a rough riding infraction (which seemed more like a racing incident), while the crew of another driver (who was involved in a pretty unsportsmanlike melee), is no where on this list. (After all aren't driver's responsible for their crew's actions?). Please check out the link below, and let us know what you think!
It's funny, but there are quite a few drivers who have been suspended indefinitely and then returned. Maybe not immediately, but eventually. Remember the big fight that the Membrino triplets were in? They returned. And if memory serves me correctly, Jones has been suspended before from Stafford, as well as announced he was "Never comin back". Mike Quintiliano also sat out for quite a few races, and after submitting a press release that literally bastardized SMS and the Arute family, he returned only to be crowned track champion. Bruised egos heal, drivers apologize. But honestly, what will be the most memorable moment of the SMS 2004 season? I don't think it will be any of the nice "clean racing we have enjoyed throughout the season, but more like the actions of a frustrated driver, who did what many other guys on the track only wish they had the courage to do! But Chris Jones, (New Milford's answer to AJ Foyt throwing a $2000 dollar laptop around in victory lane) had that "hootzpah", and gave the fans what they go to the races for. And to do it to Ted, even better! Call it what ever you want, the stuff fills the seats, and gives ESPN clips for those "winter filler" shows. Hey, This is "The Real World", just "vote him off the island", "evict him from the house", "Don't hate the player, hate the Game!", "Your'e Fired", "Will you accept this rose?" Better than any reality TV show, ever.
Memory from one of those ESPN shows: (Teddy fallin' off the wall at Watkins Glen!!! How funny was that!!)
-- Edited by bratmaster at 07:31, 2004-09-18
Whether you go to the track... or stay at home... Keep on Making Laps!