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Reutimann's crash among hardest ever recorded by NASCAR: The g-force impact during David Reutimann's crash Sunday at California Speedway is among the hardest ever recorded, NASCAR officials told ESPN.com on Monday. NASCAR doesn't disclose exact figures. "We can't say it's the hardest [impact], period, because there are so many variables involved," NASCAR spokesman Ramsey Poston said. "But it is among the hardest impacts we've recorded." Reutimann was riding along one lap down with 11 laps remaining in the Auto Club 500 when #16-Greg Biffle approached from behind. Biffle tapped Reutimann, sending the #00 Domino's Pizza Toyota head-on into the outside wall. The car lifted off the ground and was completely destroyed. The in-car video feed showed Reutimann slumped over the steering wheel, appearing to be knocked unconscious. But MWR vice president Ty Norris told ESPN.com Monday that Reutimann stressed to the team he was not unconscious, but rather was unable to breathe upon impact. Norris said Reutimann's left foot is badly bruised, having gotten hung up in the pedals during the crash. Reutimann flew home with the team Sunday night and slept for some 80% of the flight, Norris said. Norris said Reutimann's speech is clear, but he's walking with a noticeable limp. Reutimann is resting at home, and still plans to run the Busch Series race this weekend in Mexico City, Norris said.(ESPN.com)(2-26-2007)
UPDATE: David Reutimann is not taking part in the test of the "car of tomorrow" at Bristol Motor Speedway this morning as he continues to recover from his hard crash in the Auto Club 500 at California Speedway. Mark Green is testing the car in the first session of the official NASCAR test at the track. Reutimann does plan to get in his Michael Waltrip Racing #00 Toyota by the end of the day. "I'm getting better," he said Wednesday morning at Bristol. "It's a slower process, as far as feeling better, than you'd like, but it's coming along pretty good, so I'll hopefully be OK here at some point during the day," He said he would let Green "do all the hard work," but then he plans to go make some laps. He says that his body is still recovering from the incident and admitted that he spent most of Monday in bed. He did not see a doctor other than those at California Speedway but says that NASCAR officials checked in with him Monday to monitor his condition. He will not test at Bristol tomorrow, instead heading to Mexico City for the Busch Series race there. And he's hoping that this is the last time he endures a crash of this nature.(SceneDaily.com)(2-28-2007)