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News on the two injured crew members: It appears that Josh Yost, jack man for Jeff Burton's #31 Chevy, suffered his second serious Achilles' tendon injury in less than two years in Sunday's Daytona 500. Richard Childress Racing team spokesman David Hart said Yost suffered an injury to his left Achilles' tendon that doctors described as showing "classic signs of a rupture." In May 2005, Yost suffered a laceration to his right Achilles tendon at Talladega Superspeedway when he was struck by Rusty Wallace's Dodge on the pit lane. That took months to heal. Yost required a wheelchair and had to learn how to walk again. Hart said Yost flew home to North Carolina on Sunday in a splint and will see an orthopedic doctor as soon as possible Monday. Yost wasn't the only crewman injured Sunday. Jeremy Geiter, a crewmember on Mike Wallace's #09 team, suffered an injury to his left foot and ankle after being struck by #26-Jamie McMurray during a pit stop on Lap 176. Geiter told ESPN.com that he and the #09 team were pushing Wallace from the pit stall when McMurray, pitting behind them, pulled out and ran over his left foot. Geiter said doctors informed him he might have a hairline fracture, but that a sprain and bruise was likely the extent of the injury.(ESPN.com)(2-19-2007)