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All, The driver of the 66 car is the nephew of a former Nascar Modified great. The driver of the #66 also competed at the Bowl in the 70's and again in the 80's. ??
-- Edited by real modified fan at 22:53, 2007-02-22
Richie, Rod Tulba was tie up with the Gada family but he's not the driver of this car. This drivers father drove Mods back in the day at the Bowl, THINK HARD.
-- Edited by real modified fan at 18:26, 2007-02-22
RMF, Well it seems my mind is going and I went brain dead. The driver of the 17 is Fred Sentell. Back when I first raced the bowl in 1980, my number was 17 and the track made Fred change his. He had that number before me, but never resigned for the next year. So the number was'nt taken and I asked for the number at the meeting and they gave it to me. He was NOT very happy on opening day lol! I'm still working on the 66Jr. Might need another hint. Richie.
Richie, You nailed it Fred Sentell is the driver. As for you mind going wait till you get to my age a lot of things start going. Thanks for the number trivia that's the type of info we like getting. rmf
-- Edited by real modified fan at 22:54, 2007-02-22
RMF, as you know I don't cheat on trivia. But that 66Jr. car botherd me to no end . I had to break out the old 1981 Speedbowl magazine. I know I have seen the car and could'nt remenber the driver. The driver of the #66Jr. is Dave Hill. Sorry I had to cheat but it was eating me up. Richie.-- P.S. Who is his Uncle?
Richie, You have answered all three questions correctly, it took a little bit of time, but we appreciate your persistance. This is one of our longest lasting trivia questions it had 151 views and 15 replies. Our memories are only so good, it's not a bad thing to have to look things up. The answer to your question is Leo Hill. Thanks for playing. RMF