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Friday and Saturday nights(Feb. 16-17) at New Smyrna Speedway are a short track fan's dream, two races on back to back nights that mean a tremendous amount for the competitors, and with a points championship on the line. Saturday night the Pete Orr Memorial 100 honors one Florida's most respected and revered racers, and also one of FASCAR's winningest drivers.
Tonight the Annual Richie Evans Memorial 100, which features the NASCAR Tour Type Mods, will be the main event, with racing starting at 7:30 PM.
"This is one race where some guys only come for that race," said Richard Brooks, who brings the fast Northern Mods to New Smyrna Speedway each year. "Winning the Richie Evans Memorial is like winning the Daytona 500 to these guys. Everyone loved Richie and everyone wants to win his race." Richie Evans was a nine-time NASCAR champion
Pete Orr Memorial: This year the field for the World Series Super Late Models has averaged right at 22 cars including familiar names Jeff Scofield, B.J. McLeod, Mike Fritts, Justin Drawdy, Ted Christopher, Jimmy Cope, Jeff Choquette and Tim Russell to name a few. Russell is coming off a fine run at Daytona in the ARCA race, a run interrupted by a very severe crash in the wall not his fault. Russell ran second to Jeff Scofield in Thursday night's 50 lap race at New Smyrna Speedway.
"The Wauchula Warrior", B.J. McLeod is currently leading the World Series Championship chase, so perhaps it is his year. There is certainly no driver in the field who could want it any more than McLeod. Pete Orr was a strong influence on B.J. McLeod's racing career. Orr was McLeod's mentor during the early years including his two super late model championships in 1998 at the tender age of 14. B.J. has talked many times about the influence of Pete Orr on his career.
If you have yet to take in a race at the World Series of Asphalt Stock Car Racing, tonight or Saturday night would be a great time to see some of the best short track racing anywhere.
Saturday night the action begins at 7:30, with gates opening at 6:00 PM.