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Myself and RMF had the honor of attending our first NEAR Hall of Fame induction banquet last Sunday. It was an event both of us had wanted to attend for awhile, and this year's stellar class made it a must see.
The room was full of some of the all time great's of New England Auto Racing. Some already members of the hall of fame, some probably shoe in's to be inducted in the future. Among those in attendance were past hall of famer's Ron Bouchard, Bugs Stevens, Rene Charland, Ray Miller, George Summers, Leo Cleary, Billy Greco, Billy Harman, Ron Narducci, and Eddie West.
Future hall of famer's perhaps? In attendance were Tom Rosati, Ed Flemke Jr, and Art Barry.
The class of 2007 inductee's were, John McCarthy of NEMA fame, famed crew chief Bob Johnson who was inducted by Jackie Arute who did a hilarious re-creation of Johnson's infamous trophy smashing at the 1974 Stafford Speedway Banquet, Jean Paul Cabana who was inducted by promoter extradionaire Tom Curley, John Rosati who was inducted by author and scribe the one an only Bones Bourcier, John Falconi, with the Falconi family accepting, Dave Dion who gave a rather heartfelt speech about what his familys involvement in his racing has meant to him, Bob Potter who definitely had the biggest "fan" support at the banquet was fittingly inducted by longtime media man Pete Zanardi, and last but definitely not least the man simply known as "Bentley" Bentley Warren who was "indicted" by Russ Conway as he said. Russ had the crowd in stitches as he told just some of his Bentley stories.
We had a great time and definitely plan to attend again in the future and to anyone who hasn't you need to attend. Congrats to all the inductees, and thanks for the memories to all hall of famer's past, present, and future.