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Well it is 2007, a new year and a new season for the NASCAR Whelen Modified Tour. Time for a few thoughts.
The Schedule -
In my opinion the 2007 schedule is definitely a step in the right direction. New venues are always a plus. Which leads to my secong thought. One thing that has always amazed me is how quickly the "fans" of the Tour can bad-mouth things. Last year we cried about the Tour being nothing more than a Connecticut Series, with a few other tracks thrown in. In 2007 Mansfield (OH) Motorsports Park has joined the Tour, and many are allready critics. I personally believe Mansfield to be a VALUABLE addition to the Tour. A well known track that hopefully will get Television exposure for the Tour. The event SHOULD at least generate increased media exposure.
Can We Stop Jinxing The Irwindale Event -
This is where the "fans" are kind of annoying in my opinion. The Irwindale event could quite possibly be one of the largest events ever for the NASCAR Whelen AND Whelen Southern Tours. Granted it is ALOT of travel, But LIVE Television is GREAT EXPOSURE. Many doubt drivers will make the trip. I tend to agree the Southern Tour drivers may not travel, but the Northern guys I see no problem with. The Top 15 in points will be invited. If you look at the Top 20 from 2006 points, most of them did alot of traveling to other events besides the 2006 NASCAR Whelen Modified Tour. Open Shows, Whelen Southern Tour Events, North/South Shootout, Mason-Dixon Meltdown, and New Smyrna to name a few. My point is the Top 15 will be teams that have crew, equipment, and budgets to race at Irwindale. At least in my opinion.
Many of the Northern teams have two-car haulers and perhaps this could help NASCAR Whelen Southern Modified Tour drivers. Perhaps their "tow-money" that NASCAR is rumored to be promissing, could be used to rent trailer space from Northern teams. The Northern Teams would have added funds for their trip, and the Southern teams would have access to the haulers neccesary to get their cars to the track . Hey it is just an idea.
Flash Races - I know I am opening myself up for a bunch of negative replies, but I am all for the concept. I am a RACING fan not a TIME TRIALING fan. I understand the car owners concerns with being wrecked in a heat race, but that is part of the game. There are also provisionals, and I would much rather see one go to a driver who crashed racing for a qualifying spot, than a guy who could not turn two fast laps on a track all by himself. I understand that it costs money to repair cars, but it cost money to host events as well. If these flash races are the way theses tracks can afford to host the Tour, let's at least give it a try.
Loss of teams - This I really hate to see. I hate it even more when it includes Legends of the sport. The only plus that I have seen, is that while the number of teams may get smaller, the quality of the remaining teams has increased. There are several powerfull operations among the NASCAR Whelen Modified pit area. I hope NASCAR is looking at cost cutting alternatives for the VERY near future. Engine costs have got to be priority one, with new engines nearing $50,00 something is not right. Spec Engine anyone?
Just My Thoughts.
-- Edited by WhelenModifiedTour at 19:54, 2007-01-30