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From Brian Danko's "Whelen Modified Tour Report" posted at TheSpeedwayLineReport.com:
Jerry Marquis, the 2000 NASCAR Whelen Modified Tour Champion suddenly finds himself out of a ride as the 2007 season is on the horizon. Car owner, Bob Garbarino, informed Marquis on Saturday, January 13th and broke the bad news. Greg Schroder, the crew chief of the Mystic Missile has left his position at the boat yard owned by Garbarino and that has thrown the plans for the 2007 out of the window right now. "Everything was a go." Marquis told me Monday night, "Right now, Bob can't run the race team anymore." "Bob said if he can't prepare and give us a top notch race car, he's not going to be happy and wouldn't do it unless everything was 100%." Garbarino has been one of the modified faithful and has been fielding modified type race cars since 1961 with a whose who of drivers steering his open wheeled rockets to numerous victories up and down the east coast.
Marquis, who finished seventh in the final 2006 points run down said he has put out feelers but so far nothing has taken shape. "I've been out working the phones." Jerry said. "I know what this deal is like as I went through it before." He won the season opening race in the Mario Fiore #44 in 2001 and then shut his team down, leaving Marquis on the outside looking in.
Jerry's one of the most respected drivers on the tour, or any tour for that matter. Hope he gets into a good car. I've been watching him race since he started and have nothing but respect for him as a driver and a person. Good luck Jerry.
lia in the 4? i cant see that happening. lia just built a brand new troyer, and garbarino's wanted to get out of racing for a while. he was gonna leave until purina signed on as a sponser, but now that greg schroder is gone as a crew cheif, the shut the team down for good. trust me, i'd love for the 4 to run next season, but i just cant see lia being in the car.