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Penske plans a test track behind shop in Mooresville: from a Clear!Blue/Dodge PR: COMMENT ON BUILDING A TEST TRACK, team owner Roger Penske said: "Our goal here is to take the roughly 70 acres out back and we build a test track [in back of their shop in Mooresville NC]. We're in an exploratory stage today. I'd like to see an oval with a big skid pad, also a road course would be intermingled within the oval side. I think the cost we have to go to tests and the fact we can use this for customer entertainment, for our sponsors, maybe police academies. It's like when we built the wind tunnel people said no one would use it. I can tell you it's being used every day. I think this is an opportunity for us to extend our commercial relationship within the sport. We really haven't said how big it is, but it'll be bigger than a half mile. Let's put it that way. Maybe we could build a Bristol here, but I don't have enough room for the stands. I'm not going into the track business. Don't get the wrong idea. This will be a test facility."(Clear!Blue/Dodge PR)(1-26-2007)