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MakingLaps Home -> MakingLaps.com Forum -> CWTS Gossip -> Hamilton Jr unhappy with BHR's direction? BHR issues statement. Update: Hamilton Jr say's he and his daughter own team. Update II: Hamilton Jr wants his an daughters shares bought out.
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TOPIC: Hamilton Jr unhappy with BHR's direction? BHR issues statement. Update: Hamilton Jr say's he and his daughter own team. Update II: Hamilton Jr wants his an daughters shares bought out.
Hamilton Jr unhappy with BHR's direction? BHR issues statement. Update: Hamilton Jr say's he and his daughter own team. Update II: Hamilton Jr wants his an daughters shares bought out.
RE: Hamilton Jr unhappy with BHR's direction? BHR issues statement. Update: Hamilton Jr say's he and his daughter own team. Update II: Hamilton Jr wants his an daughters shares bought out.
Hamilton Jr. wants to sell: Bobby Hamilton Jr. said he wants stepmother Lori Hamilton - or whoever is in charge of Bobby Hamilton Racing - to buy his share of his late father's team. "I'm trying to get her to buy me out," said Hamilton Jr., who contends that he, infant daughter Haylie and Lori Hamilton own equal parts of the Mt. Juliet-based race team that competes in the Craftsman Truck Series. "I'm through with it," he said. "I just want out." Hamilton Jr., who drove for the team last year during his father's battle with cancer, returned to the NASCAR Busch Series this season. As for parting with the team his father founded in 2000, he said: "It's not hard to walk away. This is not the same team that it was when my dad was there." Hamilton Jr. said he was unsure who to talk to about selling his share of the team because he is "totally confused" about who is running it. Lori Hamilton, a one-time public relations director who married the senior Hamilton a few months before his death in January, apparently is in charge. But Lois Vance, a Lebanon banker who is trustee of the team, said in an interview in February that she is the "acting owner" and makes the business decisions at BHR. "It's all messed up and I don't have time to bother with it," said Hamilton Jr., a White House resident who owns a restaurant in Springfield and a sports bar in Rivergate. "I don't know what's going on. I don't want any part of it. I hope they'll buy me and Haylie out."(See full story at Tennessean)(3-14-2007)
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MakingLaps Home -> MakingLaps.com Forum -> CWTS Gossip -> Hamilton Jr unhappy with BHR's direction? BHR issues statement. Update: Hamilton Jr say's he and his daughter own team. Update II: Hamilton Jr wants his an daughters shares bought out.